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Innovation since 1886

Kober Sunset

Kober Sunset touring paddle with straight shaft
Kober Sunset touring paddle with straight shaft
Kober Sunset touring paddle with bent shaft, ergo shaft
Kober Sunset touring paddle with bent shaft, ergo shaft
Kober Sunset kayak paddle touring
Kober Sunset kayak paddle touring
paddle split T7, adjustable
paddle split T7, adjustable

    A versatile touring paddle with a light foam core and optimal fiberglass layering. A super combination of form and function. Very good value for money. Paddle for high and low angle stye.

    Made in Germany
    Flache Paddeltechnik
    Steile Paddeltechnik
    APPLICATION touring, long distance touring, long distance
    COLOUR red-translucent red-translucent
    BLADE MATERIAL fibreglass-laminate fibreglass-laminate
    SHAFT MATERIAL fibreglass, Ø 30 mm, one side oval carbon, Ø 30 mm, neutral
    FEATHER 60° R/L 60° R/L
    WEIGHT ca. 950 g (215cm) ca. 1050 g (220cm)
    LENGTH 215, 220, 230, 240 cm 215, 220, 230, 240 cm
    BLADE SIZE ca. 47,0 x 18,0 cm ca. 47,0 x 18,0 cm
    SPLIT T7(surcharge) T7 (surcharge)